Why school canteens in Kazan be equipped with bar counters and sofas?

At first, 38 educational institutions will update their eating units — they will work in the format of school restaurants

School lunches in the new school year will not rise in price, the city hall of Kazan assured the journalists. Business Monday devoted most of its time to school catering organizations on 5 August. Another plus: canteens will be updated in 38 schools — the authorities will spend 250 million rubles on the creation of “school restaurants” with sofas, bar counters and promotion of healthy food. The second resonant topic of discussion was the results of the public discussion of the feneral plan of the city. Kazan citizens have been promised the market price for the land and houses in the area of construction of roads proposed by the document. In the development of the city, it is necessary to lay in advance the possibility for transport links, as the number of cars is growing from year to year, as well as the intentions of developers to use the empty territory, the mayor justified the situation with a kind of game in proactive mode to the developers.

A barrage of questions concerning roads

The public discussions of the new draft of the general plan of the city of Kazan began last Monday. Each owner of housing or land could, after issuing an ESIA account and the status of a participant in the hearings, leave suggestions and comments on the draft general plan in the information system. Online discussions have been held for the first time, reminded the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Kazan Executive Committee, Irina Dyabilkina.

According to her, most of the questions concerned the projected roads and driveways to the villages of Salmachi, Voznesenskoye, Derbyshki, also the relief road of Gorkovskoye highway. Many questions arose on the planned construction of the bank of the Kazanka River along Gavrilova Street, on the zone of the minimum permissible distances from the main gas pipelines, on the zones of restrictions of the helicopter and aviation plants.

“The main question that the residents approached in the first place: “To what functional area my land is related”, “what are the perspectives of development of this territory,” said Dyabilkina.

In total, 2,045 proposals and comments on the project were submitted, 37 of them were rejected: “Accordingly, accepted for consideration and will be included in the protocol and the conclusion on the results of public discussions of the project 2009 <...>. 76% of the proposals and comments were submitted online.”

On August 29, the conclusion on the results of public discussions will be published in the collection of documents and legal acts of Kazan on the portal of the city hall. Each participant in the personal account will have the opportunity to see whether his or her proposal is accepted or not, and if it is rejected, they will know about the reasons, the official promised.

Personally, 500 people left proposals and suggestions for the project. 323 Kazan residents appealed for consultation.

“The boiling point”

“Every question and suggestion will be responded. This is a reference point for our joint activities, but several boiling points have formed on the periphery. This can be understood, no one wants changes — the human nature is arranged so,” Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin responded to the discontent of residents of villages on the outskirts of the city.

The mayor has promised each owner of a land plot or dwelling house that is to be demolished in the proposed zone of these corridors a “fair market compensation”: “It will allow to respect all private rights and private property and to purchase another proportionate land plot or dwelling house on these funds. Therefore, we continue this work.”

School restaurants

Another topic of discussion was the organization of school meals. By September 1, there will be 38 school restaurants in Kazan, 36 of which are converted canteens, which were chosen following a meeting with the mayor. Their modernization cost almost 190 million rubles (170 million from the city budget and 19,4 from the food department). The other two restaurants will appear in the residential complex Vesna and on Gareeva Street, said Director General of the Department of Food and Social Nutrition of Kazan Rima Mukhamedshina. So far the replacement of engineering networks and finishing works are underway.

As Mukhamedshina told reporters, the main problem was the temperature of the dishes, due to the lack of seats: children eat faster, they are served in advance. Where possible, a flexible schedule of breaks is introduced.

“To sit in a more comfortable environment for children. <...> There is no place in the school even to do lessons, to chat with classmates, but the bar counters, sofas, beautiful chairs, beautiful curtains, posters with the promotion of healthy eating is primarily the atmosphere where the child could feel more comfortable.”

The cost of school meals will not change, said Mukhamedshina, while in addition to prices in the range of 64-94 rubles there will appear an additional type of hot food for 45 rubles: “This is either a hot second course at child’s option, or soup and pastries.”

To reduce the shortage of seats, where the school capacities permit, the area of the dining room will be increased. New furniture will be purchased (the department allocated almost 15 million rubles for this) — bar counters and tables of three sizes. Due to this, the number of seats will increase by 1,544 —they were 5,458 in 36 schools, now they will be 7,002. The new schools will have another 930 places. At the same time, the speaker admitted to journalists that the deficit still remains, 12 schools still have an urgent need for places — there is no other way to solve the problem except for the extension.

By Leysan Nabieva

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