Emil Gubaydullin, WorldSkills: “It was previously believed that only mediocre become workers, now the academic grade average is 4.8”

Tatarstan has become one of the pilot regions for the implementation of the demonstration exam on Worldskills standards

WorldSkills Kazan 2019 starts in Kazan in three weeks. In Tatarstan, it is held on the territory of Kazan Expo exhibition complex. The head of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 project, Emil Gubaydullin, answered the readers' questions about the programme of opening and closing of the championship, billions of dollars in equipment costs, training of volunteers, the opportunity to be a model at the competition of hairdressing and others.

The training system of skilled workers

“An educational institution, secondary vocational school, university, leading enterprise that is interested in training of skilled workers is assigned to each profession, competence. The ministry as a customer, who makes a certain order in this industry, coordinates all this work,” says Emil Gubaydullin, the head of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 project.

According to him, the repair of educational institutions and their equipping cost 3,6 billion rubles, some enterprises also provide their facilities and equipment.

Most of the equipment is provided by partners and sponsors of the championship: “There are several ways. Part of the equipment is provided free of charge, there is equipment that the partners are willing to sell at good discounts or leasing. There is equipment that is purchased by the host country. We expect that most of this will remain to our educational organizations.”

“Thanks to it, since 2013 the republic has continued to remain one of leaders — the last national championship has shown, the republic became the winner in an team competition,” the speaker noted.

According to the results of the 9th grade, more than 50 per cent of students go to secondary vocational education. If earlier it was believed that only mediocre students become workers, now the academic grade average is 4.6-4.8. The competition is 4-6 people for one place

WorldSkills standard exam

Tatarstan has become one of the pilot regions for the introduction of what is called as the ‘demonstration’ exam. According to Gubaydullin, in 2018, about 250 students from the republic took this exam, this year the number of students will increase to 3,000, students will take the exam in 62 organizations in 41 professions.

This is the pilot form of state certification, which is conducted according to the rules of WorldSkills, which makes it possible to evaluate participants of different years of study from different vocational schools and different regions in a single format under single requirements, and further adjust the training system. The system is introduced in other regions as well, it is discussed in the ministry of education, the guest of the online conference of Realnoe Vremya assured:

“We are working on recognition of the results of the examination by leading enterprises — that is, they give employment following the results of the examination without further selection. The ‘skills passport’ is introduced, which is issued to all graduates who pass the demonstration exam. This is an additional tool that allows the company to select personnel.”

According to Gubaydullin, the popularity of vocational professions is growing: “According to the results of the 9th grade, more than 50 per cent of students go to secondary vocational education. If earlier it was believed that only mediocre students become workers, now the academic grade average is 4.6-4.8 out of 5. The competition is 4-6 people for one place.”

This interest indicates the emergence of conditions for becoming a good specialist, he said. The republic is investing in the development of vocational schools. And not only in large cities, for example, in Buinsk and Sarmanovo, there are leading vocational schools that specialize in specific competencies.

The beginning of the championship

Despite that the start of the championship is scheduled for August 22, Gubaydullin says that “on 1 August we already open our accreditation centres, we begin to receive the first client groups. Now the main works are being carried out at two sites — the preparation of Kazan Arena stadium for the opening and closing ceremonies, the scenery is being erected, the active rehearsal process is going on.”

By August 15, it is necessary to fully prepare the competition area of Kazan Expo international exhibition centre, bring the equipment, test and hand over the site to international experts: “We are preparing the competition areas, the construction is ongoing. In fact, we need to build small workshops, small production facilities that must meet all international standards.”

In fact, we need to build small workshops, small production facilities that must meet all international standards

The whole team is working on the preparation — the teams of the republic, ministries and departments, the directorate of sports and social projects, Young Professionals Union, the federal operator of this movement WorldSkills Russia: “On August 13, the whole team will come — this is both the main secretariat and extended one, almost 150 people. Following the results of the national championship, we have made changes, and we hope that the world championship will be held as much as possible without a hitch.”

The working team of the republic

In total, the Russian team consists of 63 contestants representing a large number of regions, the leaders are Tatarstan and Moscow, there are also participants from St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow Oblast, Chelyabinsk.

A few days ago, another contestant in the team competence Landscape Design has been added to the team of Tatarstan: “There has been a replacement, the team of Russia will be combined — representatives of Moscow and Tatarstan.” Another team is represented in the competence Future Skills, which includes seven representatives of the republic. “These are the competencies which are the future — it is industrial robotics, UAV operation, reverse engineering, laser welding and so on,” Gubaydullin clarified.

Also, the competences Concrete Construction Works, Cargo Vehicle Maintenance, Web-design, Mobile Robotics, Social and Medical, Restaurant Service.

In addition to the main championship, there is Junior Skills — the competition among children from 14 to 16 years. Tatarstan will also be represented here in 4 out of 13 competencies.

Electronic ticket

It is necessary to get a ticket online to get to the championship. It's free, but the system itself will help the organizers to take into account the number of spectators and better organize huge flows of people. The ticket can be obtained on the spot through the infomat. The ticket for the opening ceremony will cost from 300 to 1,000 rubles, for the closing ceremony — up to 1,500 rubles.

Kazan Expo is located outside the city, and Gubaydullin recommends go there by rail, also there will work intercept parking: near Leroy Merlin, Mega shopping centre and Dubravnaya subway station. It is possible to get a taxi, by car — there are about 500 additional free parking lots near the “airport ring”.

On 1 August, we already open our accreditation centres, we begin to welcome the first client groups

Observers and volunteers

On the question of a reader how to become a model in the competence Hairdressing, Gubaydullin recommended to contact info@crpk.tatar, although in some cases they will choose from the audience: “There is the practice of attracting observers, for example, in the competence Restaurant Business: from the public they will be select people who are invited to the restaurant, they will be served.”

When asked about volunteers, Gubaydullin spoke about the complex multi-stage work on the selection, it has been selected 3,500 volunteers as a result, who are now trained.

“In total, more than 15,000 applications were submitted for the right to become a volunteer. We have created 15 resource centres in all federal districts of the Russian Federation. We interviewed all the candidates. The applications were submitted from 85 countries. About 500 will be from the subjects of the Russian Federation, 100 — foreign, the rest — from the republic, Kazan and nearby areas.”

According to Gubaydullin, he expects to see a large number of employers at the championship, “This is a kind of job fair, this is a usual practice,” — as well as school students: 9-graders who who have already decided, but the main emphasis is on 6 -, 7-graders who are still choosing their future profession. Parents are also welcomed: “It is very important for us to show them a wide range of competencies and professions.”

In addition to the emergence of new competencies — juniors and Future Skills, Russia as a host party has made a number of proposals. First, visa-free entry will be organized for all participants from August 7 to September 7. Second, a cultural programme is planned throughout the city: in Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky Forest, on Bauman Street, the promenade of Kaban Lake. In the Park named after Gorky, there will be thematic platforms, separate programmes will be presented by museums and theatres. “Of course, we will treat everyone with Tatar pastry,” concluded the speaker.

There is the practice of attracting observers, for example, in the competence Restaurant Business: from the public they will be select people who are invited to the restaurant, they will be served


“First of all, it is the right to be called the best in the world in its category,” the speaker began. He suggested that the gifts will be provided by partners, but first of all, for the participants it is the opportunity to show themselves. However, there is the practice when the best following the results of the competition were invited to practice in other countries, for example, on the site of Samsung in South Korea.

At the level of Russia, there are cash gifts: the winners of gold medals will receive 1 million rubles from the state, from Tatarstan — 400,000 rubles. Those who are the second and third will receive smaller amounts. Financial rewards will be received by experts, masters who prepared the winners.

Business programme

From 22 to 25 August, WorldSkills Conference holds sessions with leading experts in their fields on economic, social trends, the development of vocational education. The speakers will be scientists, specialists in the field of education, risk engineering, futurists — writer Nasim Taleb, cosmonaut Sergey Krikalev, presidential adviser on digital economy Dmitry Peskov and others — more than 80 speakers, the list can be found on the website.

Music programme

One of the guests of the championship will be the robot Sophie — the only robot in the world that has citizenship (though not Russian). Pop stars Alexander Panayotov, singer Yolka, Therr Maitz, Jan Ge will participate in the event.

The organizer of the events at the opening and closing ceremonies is the company of producer Igor Krutoy. “We have a good understanding, this team worked at other events as well, including the European games,” Gubaydullin said.

Official partners:

By Leysan Nabieva. Photo: Maksim Platonov

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