Frequently asked questions about heat supply in Rainbow

Residents of one of the recently commissioned blocks of flats in Rainbow RC on 15, Avzalova Street complained about the absence of hot water in flats. Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent tried to understand the situation and talked with the residents of the block as well as specialist from TGC-16 JSC, director of heat energy and heat supply generation department Fyodor Kosurov.

Andrey Ivanov, resident of the block of flats No. 15 on A. Avzalova Street:

I got the keys to my flat on 2 July and moved in soon, on 15 July. Frankly speaking, I don’t know what the managing company of our block of flats is. It goes without saying because there was no problem, so there was no need to find it out. Consequently, I didn’t participate in the election of the managing company, neither did I speak with somebody about it.

When I got the keys to my flat, I, of course, checked everything, including water supply. Everything was fine at that moment. However, when I moved in, it turned out there was no hot water. I understand that it is a new block and it takes time to eliminate all the nuances.

Fyodor Kosurov, director of heat energy and heat supply generation department, is answering all the questions:

The block of flats No. 15 on A. Avzalova Street in Rainbow RC was commissioned on 29 June, but this block still hasn’t had a hot water supply. What’s the reason?

To have a hot water supply in a house, the managing company that commissioned the house for maintenance must timely turn to the resource provider with an application to sign an agreement and provide all documentation that legislation requires. Housing Fund Managing Company CJSC services the block on 15, A. Avzalova Street. Although the house was peopled on 19 June, this managing company turned to TGC-16 JSC with an application to sign a heat supply agreement only 3 July. However, it didn’t provide the full set of documents. We informed the managing company about it on time.

Residents of the house claim that there is no application for the use of heat energy units signed by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor). Is it true?

Indeed, according to the clause 36 of the decree of the government of the Russian Federation as of 08.08.2012 No. 808, when filing an application to sign a heat supply agreement, Housing Fund MC was obliged to provide TGC-16 JSC with permission to allow the use of energy units, which is given by the federal state energy supervision agency. In this case, it is Rostekhnadzor. This document, in fact, is the confirmation of the safety of the use of energy units located in the house. Heat energy supply to a house without it is illegal and life threatening.

Is there any agreement between Ak Tash company, TGC-16 and Rostekhnadzor on commissioning the house without the corresponding document?

There may not be such agreements, as this includes a violation of the federal law On Heat Supply. TGC-16 signed heat energy and coolant supply agreements with contractors during the construction according to the order established by the Russian government No. 808 as of 08.08.2012. In other words, the company signs the agreement and agrees to give the coolant only after providing all the necessary list of documentation. In practice, construction companies give energy units to Rostekhnadzor for inspection and get urgent permissions to allow their use. As far as I am concerned, this procedure doesn’t cause big problems. I don’t know why Housing Fund MC can’t obtain the permission in due course.

According to the residents, RSK MC CJSC is a subsidiary of TGC-16 JSC, and it didn’t manage to become the managing company of the block of flats. Activists of the block also claim that this explains why TGC-16 impedes the current MC from operating. Is it true?

TGC-16 doesn’t have a subsidiary or dependent company in the person of RSK MC CJSC. Nowadays RSK MC services 30 houses in Rainbow RC. The agreements on heat supply of these blocks were signed with the managing company after they provided all the necessary documents. By the way, one person is the director of Housing Fund MC and RSK MC CKSC nowadays.

What role does TGC-16 play in the maintenance of the block of flats?

TGC-16 doesn’t participate in the maintenance, it just provides hot water supply to the house. In accordance with the norms of current legislation in heat supply, the company provides an uninterrupted supply of the resource.

What organisations should take actions to have hot water supply? What measures are they? Can TGC-16 help to solve this problem or influence the situation?

TGC-16 JSC can’t influence the situation — the company doesn’t have the authority to grant permissions for safe use of energy units. To agree on the supply of heat energy in hot water, as it was already said above, Housing Fund MC must obtain and provide the full list of documents to sign a heat supply agreement.

According to current forecasts, when can the residents hope to be connected to the hot water supply?

On 15 July, Housing Fund MC sent a letter to TGC-16 JSC, which reads that it had sent documents to the Volga office of Rostekhnadzor to obtain the permission to allow the use of energy units and that the documents would be provided as soon as possible.

In addition

Housing Fund Managing Company provided TGC-16 JSC with permission of Rostekhnadzor to use the energy units. The hot water supply in the house was to start on 27 July.

Realnoe Vremya online newspaper

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