Caring for personnel: how TGC-16 workers live

The energy company implements a wide range of social guarantees and benefits

TGC-16 JSC started its production activity nine years ago. From the first days of its operation, the enterprise creates favourable conditions for the labour workforce, carrying out legislative requirements and providing social protection of workers. The company has a system of training and advanced training, preferential programmes for housing, recreational activities. Read more on social guarantees of TGC-16 JSC — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Socially responsible mission

Today, more than one and a half thousand people work in TGC-16 energy company. The production success of the enterprise would be impossible without the directed social assistance of workers. Therefore, special attention is paid to working conditions and additional guarantees for personnel.

“The mission of a socially responsible company means to us the commitment to sustainable development of the social, economic and environmental spheres of society,” says Head of the Department of Personnel Management at TGC-16 Olga Nikishkova.

Good working conditions and rest of the personnel corresponding to the modern level hae been created at the enterprise at all workplaces. At Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1), for example, there is a sports complex with a swimming pool, with sports and gym halls. This allows all employees to engage in sports and wellness activities after a working day.

All branches of the company have health centres equipped with modern equipment. Also, transport services have been created for employees — comfortable buses deliver people to the station. Since the establishment of TGC-16, the collective agreements of the branches have been in force. The documents take into account the basic principles, benefits, guarantees and compensation to which employees are entitled.

TGC-16 pays special attention to the health of its personnel. The employees of the company undergo medical examination annually. Also, every year employees are vaccinated, and the incidence rate in the branches is constantly analyzed.

“The employees engaged in hazardous work shall be granted annual additional leave,” says Olga Nikishkova. Also, additional leave is given to those who have an irregular working day.

Prevention of physical condition of the personnel plays an important role in the company. Every year TGC-16 sends employees engaged in work with harmful and dangerous factors to the sanatorium treatment to prevent occupational diseases.

Labour protection as a factor of social policy

The company complies with the state regulatory requirements of labour protection, which was confirmed during the inspection by the State Labour Inspectorate in 2018. At the end of 2018, the percentage of jobs of employees who have passed a special assessment of working conditions out of the total number of jobs was 100 per cent.

Much attention in TGC-16 is paid to providing employees with modern certified clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment. Last year alone, the company spent 83 million rubles on the measures to ensure the safety of work processes.

The company regularly holds days of labour protection, which allow to increase the level of knowledge of personnel in the field of safe methods of work, to discuss proposals to improve the level of safety, to conduct explanatory work.

The branches of TGC-16 annually participate in the contest The Best Organization of Work on Labour Protection. It allows to additionally stimulate the active approach of employees to the solution of questions of labour protection and safety of production, including with use of non-standard decisions.

Healthy lifestyles and sports development

Developing the topic of health and healthy lifestyle, TGC-16 actively supports sports. Employees participate in sports competitions for the championship of the city, the republic, the country. Spartakiads are annually held between shops and departments. The sports festival includes about 20 sports and is popular among the employees. Besides, employees can constantly take part in sports and recreational activities. So, in winter the team goes on ski trips, in summer they organize cycling, compete in checkers and chess.

Healthy lifestyle has long become a lifestyle for their employees at the stations. The leadership encourages non-smoking staff, motivating them to give up the habit.

In addition, the branches of TGC-16 are constantly introducing new forms of physical training: match meetings between teams, sports events and actions under the auspices of “For healthy lifestyle”, which involves not only employees but also their families.

Employees of the energy company achieve significant sports victories not only at internal corporate events but also in regional and industry competitions, following the results of which they invariably become winners of prizes. Power engineers also have their own sports teams.

In 2015, Energia football team was created. The main backbone was made by workers of KCHPP-3. The experience of the players is strictly verified by the coach before they can become members of the team. At the beginning of the year, Energia became the first in the final of the mini-football tournament within the 19th Spartakiad of the RT ARETU (All-Russian Electric Trade Union). As a result, the energy workers have become the champions of the Masgut Fatykhovich Askarov Cup this season. This is one of the prestigious awards among amateurs. Besides, the players have entered to the top league, successfully completing the first round. Now the team has the new goal — to win the next round of mini-football, which finishes in February next year. To do this, energy players train hard in the gym. Also in May 2019, the national team of TGC-16 JSC became the second in the mini-football tournament among amateur teams Victory Cup in Moscow, which was attended by many representatives of companies from all over Russia.

This year, the company has the volleyball team Energetik. They are participating in the amateur league in Kazan, and the players are gaining experience, training every week. The players plan to reach the top three in volleyball among enterprises of Kazan.

734 million rubles on the social housing programme

An additional incentive for TGC-16 employees is the company's housing programme. The company annually makes voluntary contributions to the implementation of the programme for social housing. Since its inception in 2010, TGC-16 participates in the programme Social Mortgage, and since 2014 the company has participated in the programmes Development of Industrial Complex in the Republic of Tatarstan and The Sale of Apartments Under Contracts for the Purchase of Residential Housing.

Moreover, TGC-16 provides cash loans to pay the down payment, as well as provides benefits for the purchase of housing. In 2018, 24 employees of TGC-16 JSC received apartments. Thus, last year the company managed to fully provide all employees in need of housing with apartments under the mortgage programme. In total, since June 2010, TGC-16 has directed more than 734,5 million rubles for the implementation of mortgage programmes. Over the whole period of activities of TGK-16 JSC, 528 apartments have been distributed among the workers.

Social support and charity in constant focus of attention

TGC-16 constantly makes payments on occasions such as the first marriage, the birth of a child, birthday, professional holiday. In total, about 17 million rubles were allocated for the payment of material assistance to employees in 2018.

Last year, the company provided charitable assistance in the amount of almost 11,8 million rubles, which were aimed at the development of the cultural sphere in the Republic of Tatarstan, etc. Similar areas of charitable activities are being implemented in 2019 as well.

Reduction of environmental pollution — social responsibility of businesses

Another important point in the social activities of TGC-16 is environmental responsibility. As the priorities the company sets itself the provision of the lowest impact on the environment acceptable when using the technologies and equipment.

These principles of environmental policy have recently been implemented through the construction of the storm-snowmelt and industrial runoff treatment facilities at Kazan CHPP-3. The construction meets modern requirements and allows to purify wastewater for the pollutants such as petroleum products and suspended materials. The former treatment facilities of the fuel plant treated only part of the industrial wastewater from oil products and did not cover the treatment of storm-snowmelt water and industrial effluents of the main site of the station. The construction of the facility and commissioning were completed before the end of last year. Total construction costs since 2013 have amounted to 165 million rubles.

In 2018, the return of purified water to the circulating cooling system of Kazan CHPP-3 amounted to 389,412,000 tonnes, which is 2,5 times more than in 2017. The weight of oil products prevented from discharge increased more than six times. It's only over less than a year of operation of new treatment facilities.

Overall, the total amount of expenses on environmental protection and natural resource management of TGC-16 JSC made up 258,5 million rubles in 2018.

The synergy of generations

TGC-16 treats the veterans with care and attention for whom a separate trade union of pensioners of production was created. Traditionally, the company organizes events for former employees on the occasion of holidays. So, on the threshold of the great holiday — Victory Day — station workers visit power engineers-veterans. Current employees give the heroes of the holiday flowers and gifts on behalf of the company, express their gratitude. On the occasion of Day of Older People and Labour Day, festive concerts with tea are held at the stations.

The youth organization of Kazan CHPP-3 works in tandem with the trade union. Young workers participate in city and station competitions, scientific and practical conferences, charity events, sports, tourist and cultural events.

Growth of competencies as a factor of social protection of personnel

The employees of TGC-16 constantly improve the level of their qualification.

“We recognize our employees as the most important asset of the company. We contribute to the disclosure of their professional and personal skills and create conditions for career growth,” says Olga Nikishkova.

In TGC-16, professional training, retraining, training in second professions and professional development of the company's personnel are carried out on an ongoing basis. It is noteworthy that for maximum compliance with the qualification requirements and for rapid familiarization with the changing trends in industry areas (technology, tariff setting and so on), employees can undergo several types of training during the year. For example, 172 training courses were held in 2018.

One of the most important elements of injury prevention and prevention is training in occupational safety. In 2018, 123 specialists increased their qualification in occupational safety.

“At the heart of the social policy of TGC-16 — the approaches to ensure the successful development of the company and a harmonious combination of the interests of employees, shareholders, consumers and the state,” Olga Nikishkova concluded.

By Alina Gubaydullina

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