Almetyevsk can become headliner in revival of ethnic music

Three components of the new concept

The State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan has held a press conference on the concept of development of musical art in the region. The issue is very topical, there are problems: from singing lessons in secondary schools to the lack of demand for many graduates of music schools and the conservatory. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Three main areas

According to Minister of Culture of Tatarstan Irada Ayupova, the concept has three main areas. The first is the system of music education. It includes the whole cluster — from music schools to the conservatory.

Ayupova believes that this system should be adapted to the ethnic musical culture. “After all, ethnic art, ethnic culture have their roots, their own characteristics. The system of transmission of ethnic art from generation to generation is special,” the minister of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan says.

The second area is scientific research, and, of course, this is the most important one. Without them, it is impossible to develop in the sphere of ethnic musical culture. It should be noted that, considering the second area, it is necessary to consider availability of these researches. Accessibility from the point of view of not a science-like, albeit scientifically correct language, but a normal, understandable style of presentation.

Irada Ayupova drew attention to the fact that there is practically no research on the musical culture of the 12th-13th centuries, and the later period is also not fully reflected. Naturally, there is little information, it should be searched in the archives, perhaps using the records of travellers, which can be useful, interesting and informative. Obviously, it is necessary to orient students and graduates of the theoretical department of the conservatory.

Another open issue — ethnic musical instruments, about which, often, only collectors know. This information is also far from being complete and requires study. Although, it should be noted that in Tatarstan there are still groups that use ethnic musical instruments.

Ayupova reminded that now Russia is implementing the national project “Culture of Russia”, and within its framework the musical schools are to be provided with instruments. In fact, it is the revival of their production in Russia.

At the time, there was a large factory in Kazan for the production of musical instruments, which as a result of lack of demand and lack of orders switched to the production of... windows and doors. Sad but true. The well-established production with unique specialists was destroyed. Whether it will be possible to revive something similar in Tatarstan is still unknown, but there is a desire and, perhaps, the adoption of the programme on the basis of the discussed concept of development of musical art in Tatarstan will contribute to this.

“We will revive the creation and repair of musical instruments in our territory, there are potential and prospects for this,” Irada Ayupova promised.

The third area is the creation of conditions for professional realization of young performers and composers. In this regard, the theme of creating a national musical theatre where young authors and musicians could stage their works. The topic is certainly important, but difficult to implement.

In recent years, young Tatarstan composers have loudly announced themselves, but in order to open a musical theatre, it is necessary to develop a good repertoire. Although young authors have ethnic works, there are not so many of them yet. So, there is something to strive for and work on.

“We need to make one of the colleges basic”

According to Rashid Kalimullin, the chairman of the Union of Composers of Tatarstan and Russia, the problem of development of ethnic musical culture is difficult but solvable. “We have a base, it is good, we need to think about how to solve this problem as soon as possible,” Kalimullin believes. In his opinion, it is necessary to make one of the colleges basic, where the main disciplines would be those related to ethnic music.

The composer proposes to make Almetyevsk the headliner of this project. “Why Almetyevsk and not another city of the republic? Almetyevsk is located close to the Republic of Bashkortostan, and the things with ethnic music art are better there than in Tatarstan,” Kalimullin told. He believes that it would be possible to invite experts for consultations to Almetyevsk from Bashkortostan.

In the future, according to Kalimullin, it would be possible to open branches of the institute of culture in Almetyevsk, and of the Kazan State Conservatory. “Here, young performers could learn to play ethnic musical instruments, and it could become our forge of personnel,” he said.

Teachers will also have the opportunity to train there, who will then be in demand in music schools and colleges. Without an educational cluster, it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out a high-quality programme for the development of musical art in the republic. In addition, as Kalimullin said, he has already spoken to composers of Turkic-speaking countries, who could assist in writing works for ethnic musical instruments.

By Tatyana Mamaeva. Photo:

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