Russian Ministry of Interior's State Secretary Zubov: ''The arms race is already standing on the threshold''

The representative of the federal ministry has reported on the €1m mistakes of the police, islands of stability and methods of Russia’s enemies

What ''European'' judges grasp in Navalny and Russians' complaints, what threat the ISIS is preparing on the southern border of our country and what a creative project of Tatarstan is to be developed at the federal level. State Secretary and Vice Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Zubov told about this at a meeting with security officials in Kazan on 28 January. Realnoe Vremya is offering the transcript of his speech at the session of the Tatarstan Ministry of Internal Affairs with insignificant cutbacks.

33rd place for such a republic is little

''Dear colleagues,

First of all, I'm glad to welcome you in this hall. It's a good event for me. I've been close to the republic [of Tatarstan] for many years and know well everything what's going on here…

Tatarstan has been the leading subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in terms of working conditions and performance results for many-many years and holds the bar. <...> At the same time, I'd like to point out that with all these set parameters, we have quite a developed republic with a clear vertical of power with capable, smart and creative power, quite a stable situation in society and a team of law enforcement officials equipped with high technologies in the person of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the key link of the law enforcement system in terms of quantitative and qualitative content in both Russia and in the republic.

If we take these parameters and say 'Yes, general indicators are higher than average Russian, yes, the result is positive, but the 33 rd place [in the general rating of the MIA] is little for this republic. And there are probably not used reserves you should think about and aspire to new heights.

International law turns into a set of sheets

Why am I talking about it? Our country doesn't have so many donor regions, so many islands of stability. And amid the escalating pressure on Russia, which, as you probably understand, won't weaken in the short run, we all see what's going on.

Now we have an excellent example of Venezuela or other states that there aren't any restrictions in actions of our ideological, economic and military opponents. They are ready for any steps, any provocations.

International law is gradually but confidently turning into a set of sheets. We can expect different turns of events… The arms race is already standing on the threshold. Whatever we say, we're told: ''No, you're guilty.'' They say: ''You've made this new rocket,'' they're replied: ''No, have a look.'' They say: ''We don't want to have a look, we know…'' Something like this.

I foresee, of course, and because of my work I have to get acquainted with scenarios of development of the military and political situation both in the world and around Russia and with foreign newspapers.

CIA prioritises digging dirt on Russian officials

We can foresee, of course, the growing pressure on our compatriots who went abroad to work, to live in western countries. And not only western. They have property, assets and so on. It's very clear, and we already feel it that there is a purposeful job done against us to collect dirt on officials of Russia and the country in general.

I've already said and can say again that collection, compromising and discrediting officials of the law enforcement system refers to a number of priority tasks of the CIA.

Volga region in scenarios of possible conflict

Before the trip, I read several scenarios of development of the military and political situation, the materials the western intelligence community prepared. The Volga region is mentioned as one of the regions of a future civil and military conflict. There are corresponding scenarios.

The remaining threat of extremism and terrorism against this backdrop can be considered from other perspectives. We see we have an inflow of migrants from certain countries. Even if they started to be more law-abiding according to the indicators that were presented, the ideology they are bringing here, their aspirations, they require our closer attention from the beginning.

Large-scale provocation planned on border

Not to mention that a new hot spot of tension is prepared on our borders towards Afghanistan, borders with former Soviet republics – Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, it's the main flow of migrants.

If we keep up to date, ISIS rebels (Editor's Note: forbidden in Russia) are moving to the border of Tajikistan from the territory of Pakistan by unknown helicopters today. It seems that a large-scale provocation in the future is planned there by expulsing a big number of refugees and all consequences towards Russia.

Tatarstan is doing legal experiment

I would like to express gratitude to officials of the Republic of Tatarstan who met the ministry halfway and, in fact, have been doing an experiment to create a category of municipal workers in public order protection for some time.

So both the constitutional duties of local governments and regulations of the federal law on major principles of organisation of local governments are fulfilled where it's clearly written that local governments solve problems of public order protection on their territory on their own with the municipal police. We don't create such municipal police at the moment, but we already have shoots.

This means we need to look for a solution that would satisfy everyone and allow to have capable police assistants in small settlements who would perform tasks of public order protection within their expertise, would execute decisions of local governments in maintaining silence, the rules for children [in the evening and in public events], walking the cattle, everything linked with ecology and so on. So there are enough local corpus delicti in your review.

In addition, it's the structure that could be an assistant to the police officer: to fill the vacuum we can't do today. So we will know the situation better and react to its possible declines.

We will support [you] in this area. We have a project of the corresponding federal law. It was published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let's discuss it, let's promote it together…

Despite lay-offs, there is a shortage of staff

In our opinion, the care of the staff is the most important thing… Even despite all lay-offs, we have a shortage of staff anyway. This means we fail somewhere. It's clear that there are sizes of financial incentives – expectations are a bit higher than what we have in fact. But physically, there are many other positive and negative moments we can discuss.

I've previously been in Samara. You read my telegram that no bad changes in the pension protection [of MIA employees] are planned, that these 20-25 years [of service] will remain. We talk about giving employees another chance to work for another 5 years if desired. <...> We expect the official conclusion of the Ministry of Justice [on this issue]… And we will introduce it to the government.

No epaulette – take a photo

I've drawn conclusions in different educational establishments now. There is a big number of developments and methodical materials that are designed to be used in practice right now. But as soon as we start to study the use of these materials, they turn out to be out of demand…

I will give a typical example. We noticed that same Navalny actively brings actions in international courts and wins. And not only he but everyone. And Russia occupies one of the first places in number of lost trials [at the level of European Court of Human Rights].

The constant number of these lost trials increases even in the MIA.

We began to find out why. But everything was child's play – it doesn't make any sense at the level of first registration of these arrests. Some standard schemes are used. It's seen everything was copied, not documented.

Has someone's epaulette been taken away? Take a photo. Have you been pinned down on the floor? Do you have a black eye? Show it too. We win the trial when it's documented correctly. If there is a slip, European judges grasp it. As a result, we've already paid oppositionists over €1m for different violations, which in fact were on paper.

I've always welcomed the police caste system

In conclusion, I want to say many thanks for your uneasy and psychologically even hard work. The ministry has said correctly today, it's not only a fast service, a distraction to sports mass events, other work, work without day-offs. It's clear, it's the specifics of our service. But, unfortunately, it's not always compensated as it should be.

I've said many times and I will say it again. Of course, the profession of a policeman isn't just a profession but an inner state. This is why it's systematic stimulation, good development. I've always welcomed the police caste system. I think it's one of the limits but still stimuli that maintain the professional nucleus.

I hope we will meet in a year, and you will already have not the 33 rd place but the 22nd or 7th.''

Earlier, at the session of the Tatarstan MIA, head of the ministry Artyom Khokhorin explained the lay-offs of policemen in 30 districts and made the last warning – for not working on bribery.

Recorded by Irina Plotnikova

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