TAIF-NK New Year Tree Park in N. Lemayev Square in Nizhnekamsk awarded a diploma

Conclusions of the municipal contest for the best New Year design of New Year Tree parks were drawn in the Nizhnekamsk House of Councils on 14 January. TAIF-NK PJSC's site was deservedly praised by the contest's commission and got a diploma in Silver Lace nomination. Realnoe Vremya tells how the company's employees and their families spent the New Year holidays.

New Year Lemayev Square is one of the most photographed places in Nizhnekamsk

A huge tree, a number of LED garlands and a gigantic New Year tree ball– this year TAIF-NK decorated the N. Lemayev Square in the best New Year tradition. A 16-metre fir adorned in blue and white colours and hundreds of garlands was installed here. Lights on the festive tree gleam so that there is a feeling of puffy branches shining in the frost. To create an atmosphere of a fairy tale, tens of live firs were adorned with LED garlands, northern deer, and white bears ''settled in'' next to them.

To create an atmosphere of a fairy tale, tens of live firs were adorned with LED garlands, northern deer and white bears 'settled in' next to them. Photo: Ilnaz Baymukhametov

A gigantic New Year tree ball, which all citizens and guests liked, adorned the N. Lemayev Square again. This place traditionally becomes one of the most photographed sites in Nizhnekamsk on the New Year holidays.

A gigantic New Year tree ball, which all citizens and guests liked, adorned the N. Lemayev Square again. Photo: Ilnaz Baymukhametov

TAIF-NK PJSC has been transforming the N. Lemayev Square before New Year for over tens of years. For the first time the park was adorned in 2007 installing a miniature of the Spass Tower of the Kazan Kremlin. It's become a distinctive feature of the oil refinery to use original elements when adorning the park since then. An Eiffel tower was built here in 2008, a Pisa tower appeared one year later. A Big Ban arose here in 2010, the following year a medieval fairy-tale castle was erected. In 2012, specialists built Kazakhstan's national monument Bayterek in the Nizhnekamsk park, while Brussels' symbol – the Atomium – adorned the square. A copy of the gigantic construction the Atomium – the symbol of the world exhibition in Brussels in 1958 – is the most complicated figure among all the things created by specialists of the enterprise's mechanical repair shop for New Year parks. Citizens liked the Atomium so much that the symbol adorned the New Year square at their request for several years in a row – from 2014 to 2017.

Citizens liked Atomium so much that the symbol adorned the New Year square at their request for several years in a row – from 2014 to 2017. Photo courtesy of TAIF-NK PJSC

This year TAIF-NK specialists were traditionally creative when decorating the park for the holiday and turned the square into a New Year fairy tale again. Award prove the employees' high professionalism: TAIF-NK's New Year Park got a diploma in Silver Lace nomination in a municipal contest for the best New Year design in January.

New Year for company employees' children

TAIF-NK creates a holiday not only for all citizens and guests of Nizhnekamsk, but it also doesn't forget about children of the enterprise's employees. A bright show with fairy-tale characters, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka was staged for children under 14 on New Year's eve. Everyone got memorable gifts and sweet presents, which were given to over 3,000 children of the company's employees.

A bright show with fairy-tale characters was staged for children under 14 on New Year's eve. Photo courtesy of TAIF-NK PJSC

TAIF-NK's employees and their families can joyfully and profitably spend leisure time not only on the New Year holidays. They can visit the swimming pool and the ice rink free throughout the year.

Partnership material

By Ksenia Zharkova

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