TAIF-NK participates in 'Oil, gas. Petrochemistry' exhibition

The exhibition 'Oil, gas. Petrochemistry', which is held within the framework of the Tatarstan oil and gas petrochemical forum, has opened in the Kazan Fair. 170 companies have applied to participate in the exhibition. Among the regular participants is the oil refining company TAIF-NK, the stand of which was visited by President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. Read more details in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

TAIF-NK processed 8,2 million tonnes of raw materials in 2017

The 25th exhibition 'Oil, gas. Petrochemistry' has received 170 participants from 10 countries. All of them displayed in three pavilions, but the main pavilion was No. 5, where the stands of the largest enterprises opened. It was from here Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, together with Head of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision Alexey Aleshin, members of the government of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads of enterprises and organizations of the petrochemical industry, began to study the expositions. Near the main entrance there was a large stand of TAIF Group, where the big ''three'' of the holding was located, including the oil refining company TAIF-NK. General Director of the company Rushan Shamgunov, who made a presentation of the company, met the guests of honour here.

The presentation for the guests of honour was given by director of the company Rushan Shamgunov

''TAIF-NK is one of the largest oil refineries, processing annually more than 8 million tonnes of raw materials,'' Director General of TAIF-NK PSC Rushan Shamgunov began the presentation.

In 2017, the company processed 8,2 million tonnes of raw materials. In primary processing of oil and gas raw materials (oil, gas condensate), TAIF-NK capacity was loaded at 98%, with such indicators the company ranked the fifth among the 35 largest refineries in Russia. The company produces 25 types of petroleum products — motor gasoline and diesel fuel of Euro 5 class, kerosene, jet fuel, fuel oil, naphtha, vacuum gas oil, road bitumen, technical granulated sulphur, LPG, etc.

The company produces 25 types of petroleum products

The company consists of three plants: the oil refinery, the gasoline plant and the new Heavy Residue Conversion Complex.

''Today is a lot of work on commissioning of the Heavy Residue Conversion Complex is being done. We are already processing the entire volume of vacuum gas oil and in November we plan to start the processing of tar,'' said Director General Rushan Shamgunov.

The company has three plants: oil refinery, gasoline plant and Heavy Residue Conversion Complex

Successful environmental and social programmes

The oil refining company is successfully implementing an environmental programme. In 2017, the company completed the large-scale reconstruction of the biological local industrial wastewater treatment plant. On the site of the outdated equipment, modern facilities have been built with the unique for Russian oil refining technology of final purification, which allows to remove 99,99% of pollutants in the form of oil products from the waste water of the enterprise. Treatment facilities are capable of processing up to 500 cubic metres per hour of various effluents. Due to this system, purified water can now be returned to the production. As a result, the company has minimized the consumption of fresh water from the Kama River and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. 3,7 billion rubles were allocated for the reconstruction of treatment facilities. The solemn launch ceremony of the industrial wastewater local treatment plant was held in June 2017 with the participation of President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Director General of TAIF Group Albert Shigabutdinov, Head of the Volga Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service Boris Petrov, Head of the Federal Natural Resources Supervision Service to the Republic of Tatarstan Farit Khairutdinov.

The company takes an active part in the implementation of complex socio-economic programmes of the city and the republic, as social responsibility and charity are one of the priorities of TAIF-NK. Significant funds are allocated for social programmes implemented at the enterprise. Since 2005, employees of TAIF-NK can obtain an apartment under the programme 'Social mortgage' and the Additional corporate mortgage programme, which is designed for employees of TAIF Group. Over this time, thanks to the work of these programmes, 740 families have received new houses: 635 people received a housing under 'Social mortgage', 105 people — under the additional mortgage programme.

The company understands that happy families are the basis of a successful company, therefore TAIF-NK will continue to pursue the socially oriented policy.

Affiliate material

By Ksenia Zharkova. Photo: Maksim Platonov

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